Dennis Basso S/S 2013

Written By Fashion360Magazine on Monday, 8 October 2012 | 23:57

fashion, 360, magazine, womenswear, designers, dennis basso, spring, summer, 2013, rebekah schott, devin cole,
By: Devin Cole
Images by: Rebekah Schott
There is only one word that can describe the presentation Dennis Basso’s spring 2013 collection, luxury. The St. Regis Hotel is the only venue that could have matched the lavishness of his designs. With all the designs done in either, silver, black, or royal blue, everyone was gilded with ornate detailing. Once the recession hit many designers, especially those with a propensity for couture, began to shy away from such shows of extravagance. Even though the fashion industry has bounced back somewhat, it still is not quite what it was. Basso’s collection was a show of opulence that was reminiscent of the era of Christian Dior.

I was fortunate enough to get a quick word with the brilliant designer backstage before the show.
What was your inspiration for the collection?
“It was Deauville, France. And Deauville, in the 60s, had a rebirth. It was called the Riviera of Paris. Women dressed every night for dinner, everything was Gala-beautiful dresses. Women were sitting on the terrace smoking cigarettes, repairing their lipstick, talking with friends. Everyone was dressed. I tried to translate that look from that period and glamour with our hair and our makeup today and close it with modernity that looks sophisticated and elegant today.”
What usually influences your designs?
“Everything influences me a little bit. You know, I love your earrings. And I don’t know I could think of, wouldn’t it be great to do a whole series of that hanging off the collar of a blazer. So wherever you look you see different influences. I think all designers leave the house with their eyes wide open and it could be street fashion to art at The Metropolitan Museum. I think it comes from everywhere. You could be watching a movie in the middle of the night and say ‘Oh my God I love that, I have to do that’.”
What style advice would you give to women?
“I think you have to be aware of who you are and not afraid of who you are. And I think that you need to dress accordingly. The thing is to dress appropriately for your age. The worst thing is to be trying to look younger. You’re better off looking perfect in your age group than being in your age group and trying to be in another age group. It’s always a bad mistake.”


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